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Wallpapering a new build

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 5:35 pm
by TD235

I've seen the recent threads on wallpapering a newly plastered wall, but my query is do the same time scales apply to newly built properties? (i.e. waiting 6 months from the build being completed?)

I am wondering whether the fact that the entire wall is new, and not simply replastered would have an effect and mean that I should wait even longer?

I don't want to wait as I don't want to live in a beige house!

Thanks for any advice

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:04 am
by acsimpson
It really depends on the wall construction. I guess if the wall is hard plastered (unlikely in a new build) you may need to factor in drying time for the walls as well as plaster, however it is likely that the walls are at most a skim coat on plasterboard which I don't think would take any longer to dry in a new build.

The plaster I used last week said that a lot of new builds from large firms are now no longer even skim coating, instead choosing to tape joints and paint. If this is the finish you have there should be almost no drying time alhtough I pity anyone who trys to strip wallpaper from a construction like that.

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 2:42 pm
by theshedman
Hi, although there is nothing stopping you from wallpapering anytime after the walls have dried out properly I think it's best to wait at least 6 months or maybe a bit longer. This is because although the walls may be dry there maybe some movement which will cause cracks. If it's a new build usually the builder will come around to look for cracks after a certain amount of time and anything else that may need putting right. If he can't see any cracks he wont be able to put it right and if you have problems in the future you may not be covered.