Peeling paint on ceiling - lining?
Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 1:28 pm
by mhamelle
Our bedroom celing was painted a while back and the paint is cracking and peeling everywhere. our bedroom is just below our loft so I imagine this has something to do with the humidity coming through from the loft or the differences in temperature between our room and the loft. I'm going to strip the ceiling and redecorate but what can I do to avoid this problem happening again? Using a lining? What kind????
Thanks !!!
Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 10:44 am
by theshedman
Hi, whatever has happened to the ceiling shouldn't be to do with the loft. When the ceiling was last painted had it been painted before or was it new plaster? Did the paint dry very quickly? Had it been papered previously? Was it painted with ceiling white in the past? Any of these can cause it to peel. A bit more information would help, like do you know what is under the paint and does it wash off. If it is peeling now, using lining paper will not help as that may come off as well. You will need to find out the cause first. Let us know and we may be able to help.