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strange bathroom decorating question from a girl

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 10:58 pm
by squaimes
This is going to sound a little strange but I have a partially tiled bathroom and some remaining wall space which is currently painted in normal bathroom paint.
I would like to decorate the painted areas with newspaper and wondered if I were to then varnish this with watered down pva if this would be moisture proof and if it would work.
also would it be very tricky to remove if and when i get through reading it all!!! any advice or ideas would be great.

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 11:09 am
by acsimpson
Hi Aimee,

I have a similar plan to decorate my wall with maps. PVA is not moisture resistant. As soon as it gets wet it reactivates and will let the paper get wet. You will need to use some sort of clear varnish (although these may yellow over time hence why I haven't yet done my maps).

If you want to ensure it is easy to remove you can either try your plan on a small area and see if it comes off with a wallpaper stripper or start by covering your wall with cheap lining paper followed by newspaper. That way when you come to remove it you simply strip the wallpaper and the newspaper comes with it.

Another option would be just to paste new paper over the top of the ones you have read although this may jst postpone the removal question.

Hope this helps and I look forward to hearing how you get one.