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Melamine paint - International - Jade

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:30 pm
by Gilbo41
I repainted our kitchen units a few years ago with melamine primer & Jade paint from ICI's International paint range, but recently moved some units and now have a 4 inch wide infill area I need to paint to match.

Problem is, we don't have any paint left & ICI don't make it any more. B&Q have sold out. We've tried our local 'freecycle' site but all to no avail. The alternative to finding half a pot of this paint seems to be having to repaint the entire kitchen :(

Does anyone know:
- where I can find a pot (or part pot) of this paint
- where I can find a list of former stockists
- any alternative way of creating the same (or very close) colour

Any help appreciated!