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Removing paste (I think!) off wallpaper

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 4:53 pm
by bristol

I purchased some rolls of Galerie Simply stripes and have hung it horizontally to create a wider impression in a room.
A couple of queries though which Galerie haven't answered on:
1- The paper I bought is brown and cream stripes but when it arrived I noticed a very thin cream stripe which must butt onto a thick cream stripe.
This means that for a moderate decorater like me, the join is much more visible than had it simply joined equal sized brown and cream stripes.
Any ideas why this additional stripe exists? - buggered if I can see any advantage at all.

2- Manin reason for this posting - the paper is pre pasted, but unfortunately didn't take in a few instances on the first drop, so I put on a thin spread of paste myself. This has made it adhere much better BUT - when I went over the paper with a clean sponge, a light film appeared which is highly visible on the brown stripes, and seems impossible to shift.
I was sure the sponge was clean - any thoughts on what this might be, and if so, how I get rid of it?


Re: Removing paste (I think!) off wallpaper

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2019 2:16 am
by gc1967
I have hung hundreds of wallpapers with a little edge line on it, might not make sense but it makes matching up with your next drop of wallpaper
I cannot explain the sponge issue, I am a professional and when I hang paper I use a papering brush to brush it onto the wall to get air out of it so no bubbles, then roll a seam roller down the joints and then just wipe with a clean sponge top where it meets the ceiling also where its meets the skirting board and also run the sponge the join that I have rolled.
All I could suggest is some luke warm water with a bit of fairy liquid on it and wash the lengths you have put up if this doesn't remove the marks I would get in touch with the wallpaper manufacturer and complain.