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Streaky Ceilings

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 5:08 pm
by Jockyboy
Can anyone help,I have had my artex ceiling skimmed I have put on the first coat of emulsion watered down,I have up to now put on 4 coats of good quality emulsion,when looking at the ceiling it looks as though I have missed bits no matter what I do it still looks the same,can anybody advise me of how I can over come this.Thank You

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 1:29 pm
by theshedman
Hi, how are you putting on the emulsion as this can make a difference to the finish. It sounds to me like you could be putting it on all in the same direction instead of putting one coat on starting from say the window to the back wall then the next from one side to the other. The other reason may be that you are not going fast enough and are leaving a dry edge. When putting on paint you need to keep the edge you are working on wet so that it doesn't leave marks like the type you have said about. Hope this helps if not give a bit more info and will try to help again. Shed.