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Cracks Bl00dy Cracks

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 12:12 am
by mitchell

I need some help (Maybe a lot of help). I have recently decorated a room with a good quality undercoat/paint. In the corner of the room, there was substantial crack running down the wall which I refilled/sanded. I have done the same with the cracks running along the coving/ceiling. Unfortunately both of them have come back just as bad. Can anyone tell me how to eradicate this once and for all. I have the issue in some of the other rooms, but I would like to fix this room first.

Here are the pictures:



The corner is made up of an external brick wall joined to an internal wall with the crack running from floor to ceiling.

Any ideas on how to get rid of these cracks for good? I have had a look at Ronseal and wonder if fibreglass tape is any good?

Re: Cracks

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 6:20 pm
by JRS
mitchell wrote:Hi,

I need some help (Maybe a lot of help). I have recently decorated a room with a good quality undercoat/paint. In the corner of the room, there was substantial crack running down the wall which I refilled/sanded. I have done the same with the cracks running along the coving/ceiling. Unfortunately both of them have come back just as bad. Can anyone tell me how to eradicate this once and for all. I have the issue in some of the other rooms, but I would like to fix this room first.

Here are the pictures:

The corner is made up of an external brick wall joined to an internal wall with the crack running from floor to ceiling.

Any ideas on how to get rid of these cracks for good? I have had a look at Ronseal and wonder if fibreglass tape is any good?

I had to quote the above to hopefully see your link, atho i wont be able to see if it works untill admin permit my post :evil:
Anyway maybe try re-taping the internal with paper tapes, Hack out the crack and fill first.

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 7:42 am
by theshedman
Hi mitchell, now that JRS has posted and allowed me to see the pics, I couldn't work out how to see them. I think that they need to be raked out properly first. From the pics it looks like you have just put filler onto the cracks and painted on top of it. You need to remove all the old filler, rake out the joint and then put new filler in, sand flat then give couple of coats of paint, watering down the first coat where you have filled. Another point you say is that you have "undercoated". What do you mean by this as walls are usually just emulsioned, not always but usually and looking at the pics the woodwork has been stained so it couldn't be that, that you were talking about.

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:28 am
by Stephanies
If you have planning to decorate your home then you should leave all the problems to hire a experienced contractor that will better for you.