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Patchy paint

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 9:04 am
by Rastanking
Hi everyone,

I wonder if anyone could give me some advice with this problem of patchy paint.

I recently removed some wall transfers from an emulsioned wall, it was painted with Crown easyclean. When the transfers were removed it also removed some of the paint, I used a matchpot to fill in the holes but this looked awful once it had dried. I then used a roller to go over the top but again this looks awful.

How can I blend the painted surface in so it matches the original paint?

Any help you could give would be really appreciated.

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 5:22 pm
by JRS
You cant, Again this is called a flash where the paint dries differently. All silk, easy clean, eggshell, gloss so on paints flash when the paint dries out, basiclly you need to keep the wet edge going to keep it even. Only time i have been able to get it to blend slightly it thin the paint to almost water and coat twice with each coat making a wider area.

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 9:49 pm
by Rastanking
Thanks for the help, will try that and see if it works

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 11:46 pm
by chris_on_tour2002
simple - don't use Crown paint! it does not lend itself to touch ups IMO, less so if not from the original pot.

also how did you apply the touch up? if with a brush on top of previously rollered paint then you will have a grain in the paint that will be visible thru the top coat.

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:02 pm
by Rastanking
Yes, I used a brush. Seems to me the only way to resolve this is to paint the whole wall again with a roller, hopefully that will sort out the problem.

Just out of interest which paint do you normally use if not Crown?

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 7:09 pm
by JRS
I always use or suggest dulux trade or gliddens both are ici. It doesnt matter who made the paint most durable paints have a large film thickness for for durability reasons adn being the case when you touch up you end up with a touch'd up area has a thicker film thickness.

As i said above most paints now are dura matt, vinyl matt. So will flash. Thin the paint a little will give you more working time with it, Cut the walls in first and then roll from top to bottom. Doing 1 wall at a time,