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Gloss Smell After 16 Days and Paint is Dry?

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 2:07 pm
by Poly Hive
Hi all,

I painted a relatively small room with Johnstones Magnolia Gloss and went on holiday leaving dust covers down but all open paint removed. There is still after some 16 days a strong smell of gloss paint though the paint it;s self is dry.

The window was left on the security catch so there was some if not a great deal of air circulation.

As this room is part of our guest house any suggestions please as to how to reduce the odour quickly?


Re: Gloss Smell After 16 Days and Paint is Dry?

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 7:11 pm
by Sparkles73
Hi i know your post was 3 years ago now lol, I've just joined the forum, did the smell eventually go? I've just started a topic myself called paint fumes and has smell.

We too used a Johnstones gloss paint but brilliant white, it's five weeks later and still as strong as it was when we first painted it. It's made us ill and me and our little boy who is disabled have had to move out to my parents for the past month.. we really are in a dilemma as my partner has had doors and windows open and tried alsorts but still it's strong, the doors aren't wet, but feel soft, six doors, four of them extra wide including the front door are all in our hallway in a tiny bungalow but even if we removed one by one and took them outside and paint stripped them there's nothing we can do about the door frames and skirting boards etc... certainly can't be done with me and my son at home,