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ceiling paper comes off after leaving empty for period

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 1:52 pm
by ukthesis
A few years ago, water came through the ceiling of the house and onto the ceiling wallpaper. This caused parts of the wallpaper to sag down and to bubble. I re-pasted the effected areas with normal wallpaper paste and smoothed it out and that seemed to do the trick. However, last month the house was unoccupied for a few weeks. When I returned, the same affected area of ceiling paper was hanging off again. Presumably the fact it was cold and no heating was on in the room caused this problem. But short of replacing the strip of ceiling paper completely, can I stick the area paper on again, only this time so that it stays on next time I leave the house unoccupied? Thank you.

Re: ceiling paper comes off after leaving empty for period

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:17 pm
by DIYDoctor1
Hi ukthesis,
Depending on the area you need to touch up, this should do the trick: ... 125ml.html