Create textured finish to cover up dado rail removal
Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 10:03 pm
I have successfully removed and filled in the dado rail in the hall. I have just finished painting the hall and the wall where the dado was is a different texture (very smooth) compared to the rest of the wall. When you are up close to the wall or when the light isn't on you can't notice it, but when walking down the stairs or when the hall is very bright it is very noticeable. Can anyone advise me how to create a bit of texture on the wall where the dado was? I want to remove the dados from the rest of the house but don't want to start until I solve this problem. Thanks.
I have successfully removed and filled in the dado rail in the hall. I have just finished painting the hall and the wall where the dado was is a different texture (very smooth) compared to the rest of the wall. When you are up close to the wall or when the light isn't on you can't notice it, but when walking down the stairs or when the hall is very bright it is very noticeable. Can anyone advise me how to create a bit of texture on the wall where the dado was? I want to remove the dados from the rest of the house but don't want to start until I solve this problem. Thanks.