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Filling Holes Left by Spotlights in Wooden Ceiling

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 10:57 am
by jogo
Hi everyone,

We've just moved into a new place and have an ugly wooden ceiling to contend with. We're planning on painting it white and hoping it'll look a lot better. Unfortunately there were previously some spotlights which were removed and the holes it left behind were covered with what look like cork placemats. We're not sure on the best approach to cover the holes without it looking terrible.

The options we can think of so far are:
- Attach something above the holes and then cut something into a round shape to fit into the holes
- Cut some MDF into rectangular shapes and attach these on the outside to line up with the shape of the wood
- Cover them with ceiling roses (not traditionally used on wood!)

Does anyone have any thoughts on which of these would work best or if there is another better way?

Thanks in advance!

Re: Filling Holes Left by Spotlights in Wooden Ceiling

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2017 12:21 pm
by TommyPurdyPnD
Hi John-I'd go with putting a piece of baton slightly longer than the hole is wide above it, screwing either side of the hole and filling holes with 2-part filler or screwing a cut of into the baton in the hole and filling around that-will completely dissappear with a good lick of paint.