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Paint not Adhering to Door or Window Frames

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 12:13 pm
by saki
I am painting walls in a room with matt paint. The roomwhich has a uPVC door and window. Problem is that the paint will not adhere on a small strip next to the window and door frames.
The frames have been sealed to walls with a brown plastic like material and the matt paint will not adhere to it. The finish doesn't look good. I am guessing this brown sealant is pretty common so is there a fix to allow me to get a finish right up to the frame?

Re: Paint not Adhering to Door or Window Frames

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 10:17 pm
by gc1967
It sounds to me like the plastic trim has been put on with brown silicone mastic if that is the case Matt Emulsion will just craze on it, you will have to give the plastic strips a coat of oil based stain block or a thin coat of undercoat and then alllow to dry and then Emulsion