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Paint Blistering Problem That Reoccurs Every Year (With Photos)

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 5:02 pm
by GeoffH
My first time here.

I have a problem which recurs every year. Paint blisters on an interior wall. I've painted the exterior part of the wall with silicone brick sealer, scraped off all the blisters, painted the whole wall with Zinsser BIN, filled the damaged areas and repainted, but the blisters re-appear after a week or so.

It's just on the pillar in the photos and not on the pillar on the opposite side. This side does get a lot of rain and the same wall in the flats above have the same problem.

Someone told me it could be efflorescence, so I treated with wine vinegar solution, sealed and repainted but still not solved.

Any thoughts?


Re: Paint Blistering Problem That Reoccurs Every Year (With Photos)

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 12:25 am
by chaz57
you nailed it in one . efflorescent. better to plaster board over

Re: Paint Blistering Problem That Reoccurs Every Year (With Photos)

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 8:36 am
by thedoctor

It does indeed look like efflorescence - We have a project page that covers the causes and also cures for efflorescence that may be of use to you: ... -cures.htm

Kind Regards

Re: Paint Blistering Problem That Reoccurs Every Year (With Photos)

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2020 1:33 pm
by GeoffH

Thanks both for your replies.

I can't plaster board over it, though I can see the advantages. To do so would make the wall too thick for the door frame and window frame.

I have previously painted the exterior wall with silicone brick sealer so I thought this would stop any water coming through the brick. However, I have since discovered the window frame is a bit rotten and may be letting water in the edges of the frame.

Is it necessary to use the special salts neutraliser, or does the wine vinegar solution work as well? I have Zinsser BIN which I can use after that to cover the damaged areas.

Thanks for your help.
