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Zinsser BIN - Does this need another coat?

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2021 9:21 pm
by Meldj
Hey all!

First time poster here, and first time decorating a house top to bottom myself alongside my partner. We recently purchased a 1890's mid-terraced property in which the previous owners smoked for some time.

We've given everything an aggressive sugar soaping, sanding and wipe down. There's not really any stains left to block, but there's still a slight odour. We decided to go with a coat of Zinsser BIN to help seal the odour, and help our paint adhere nicely to the old existing paint.

As mentioned neither of us are seasoned decorators, so we've done some research and after all the cleaning, scrubbing, sanding and wiping we've applied a coat of BIN to the landing area. We can still see some of the previous paint through the first coast BIN, see pics (not best quality, lighting was very poor, but hopefully they highlight my concern. Note these pics were taken maybe 30 mins after applying the BIN). My questions are this:

Have we applied too fine of a coat of BIN? Will this cause us issue when we come to apply our top coats? Should we slap on another coat of BIN, or will 2, maybe 3 coats of our final paint be fine? We do intend to give the bin a quick once over with a fine grade sand paper, likely 80.

Any help, advice and experience greatly appreciated!



Re: Zinsser BIN - Does this need another coat?

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2021 10:48 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi meldj,
There is always a problem with a smokers house that the nicotine stain will leach through subsequent paint layers. You are correct in applying Zinsser bin but I would suggest a second coat to reduce the possibility of pin holes in the first coat. Don’t sand the second coat.
Regards S

Re: Zinsser BIN - Does this need another coat?

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2021 7:48 pm
by Meldj
Thanks Stoneyboy - Went ahead and laid a second coat on and it looks a thousand times better.

What's the thought process for not sanding the second coat? I was originally intending to scuff it with dulled 80 grade paper to help prevent it flashing through the emulsion but curious to hear the logic.



Re: Zinsser BIN - Does this need another coat?

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2021 9:46 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi meldj,
If you sand the surface you may break through any minuscule bubbles that have formed which may result in bleeding through of the nicotine.
Regards S