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Smooth cracks in corner of room before painting

Posted: Mon May 02, 2022 5:54 pm
by Biver
We have a bedroom with lots of cracks in two of the corners. It's an internal corner (it's not on the inside of an external wall) and there's no reason I can see to think that there is any damp.

Cracks extend up to 2 cm away from the corner
Cracks extend up to 2 cm away from the corner
IMG_02052022_174859_(300_x_225_pixel).jpg (11.27 KiB) Viewed 1440 times

What's the best way to smooth the walls prior to painting? I guess it can be caulked but I don't know how to get a decent corner afterwards nor how to spread it well for the entire width of cracks. I'm also not sure if the cracked material needs to be flaked away first.

Any tips gratefully received, thanks in advance.

Re: Smooth cracks in corner of room before painting

Posted: Sun May 08, 2022 2:47 pm
by PatDaniel
You have to fill and plaster those parts before painting. Otherwise, the paint will spill.