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Painting over water leak stains ?

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 8:55 pm
by Brian
The builder has finally repaired the kitchen roof and I can now repaint the ceiling. The water leaks have really left their mark in the plasterboard and I was wondering what preparation I need to do before applying paint. The ceiling plasterboard is sound but deeply stained in places and I believe I need to apply some sort of sealant prior to painting ?
If so, any recommendations ?

Re: Painting over water leak stains ?

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2022 10:33 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi brian,
I use zinsser bin but it does need at least 2 coats and you will get high on the solvent in an enclosed space. Some of my colleagues prefer oil based undercoat, again two coats needed.
Regards S