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What paint for window's wood frame in bathroom

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2022 7:00 pm
by fraccalo
Hi all,
I have a PVC window in my bathroom, and I'd need to paint the wood frame around it (see picture here: I am now sanding the old paint away (as it was heavily exfoliating), and I am wondering what kind of paint/products I should use for painting it.
Note that half of this frame is right above the bathtub/shower, which means it always gets some water on it.
Thanks :)

Re: What paint for window's wood frame in bathroom

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2022 10:56 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi fraccalo,
Suggest you use international yacht paint but the issue you face is that the wooden frame was probably not painted before it was fitted. Any water getting into the wall/frame join or upvc/frame join will be adsorbed by the timber and will therefore lift of any paint no matter what you use.
Regards S