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Banging noise in pipes. Help!!

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 1:18 am
by londonmackam
Hi everyone,

I have a problem with the flat above my own. A lot of the time when the people upstairs have a shower or bath I hear a banging sound (almost like a drill in my bedroom which is below the bathroom upstairs) It is becoming unbearable (waking me up at all hours whenever they decide to use it) The landlord is refusing to acknowledge the problem. It seems to be getting worse. Any idea on what this could be? The noises vary in loudness to electric screwdiver sound to industrial pneumatic drill sound!!

I think they had a new radiator installed not long before the noises started to happen if this could have affected.

Banging noise in pipes. Help!!

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 9:11 am
by marchesa-rosa
I had a similar problem problem lasting over a year and the noise was terrific. When it first happened it sounded like someone hammering on my front door and I actually went down several times at night to answer the door.

A wise old plumber put me right. The problem, apparently, dated from an occasion when the cold water supply to the house had been turned off at the main stop cock in the cellar for a routine plumbing job. When turned on again it had been turned to maximum inflow pressure. This was what was causing vibration in what seemed like the whole pipework system of my four-storey Edwardian house!

The solution was to reduce the house pressure by turning the stopcock a little in the off direction and also reducing the pressure into the attic WC (the main apparent source of the banging) by adjusting the WC's isolation valve slightly in the closed direction.

No more frightening banging in the middle of the night now!

Maybe your problem is of a similar nature. Ask the landlord to reduce the pressure a bit, or do it yourself if you have access.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 9:13 am
by marchesa-rosa
Another thing! The place where you hear the noise/banging/vibration is not necessarily the place that is the origin of the problem. It's like "referred pain"!

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 11:45 am
by htg engineer
What type of system ?
It sounds like it could be a ball valve causing the noise. Either in the tank or in the toilet cistern.

As you say it's when they have a bath or shower - it'll probably be the ball valve in the tank to blame. Ask them to replace it - they don't cost much. Probably about £10 - if they twist about it, you could offer to pay as it will give you peace and quiet - I would.

Ask them to run a hot tap, if the noise comes from their loft that's what it is - also check pipework is supported/clipped.
