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leaking water from bath overflow hole

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 5:59 pm
by jrees
Hi. my bath overfow is leaking a lot of water, almost constantly. any ideas why and what the solution is. many thanks

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:03 am
by rosebery
Too much water in the bath.

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:28 am
by jrees
I wish it were that simple but I havent had a bath for weeks

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 9:10 pm
by rosebery
I was being a tad facetious but if thats not the case then are you SURE that its the overflow thats leaking? Where is it leaking from - the bit you see in the bath or the other end where it joins the waste outlet?


Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:26 am
by jrees
i'm seeing water come in at bath end but it could be due to waste end. just to clarify shower water goes down the bath. thanks

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 8:46 pm
by rosebery
So you are saying that water is coming UP the overflow? One possibility is that you have a hair/soap scum etc blockage in the waste but its one hell of a long way up for the water to travel and its far more likely that it will just drain very slowly.

Put the plug in and fill bath with a couple of inches of water. Pull the plug. Does the water drain away slowly or at normal rates? If slowly then you have a blockage.

Oh hang on a moment do you have one of those combined overflow/filler mechanisms where when you turn on the (remotely sited) taps the water comes out of the bottom of the pop up waste control?

Is the shower operated by the same valve mechanism that fills the bath. There may be a problem with the divertor letting by.


Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 6:23 pm
by elwood

Do you mean the over flow pipe that sticks out the wall of the property is constanly running ??

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:33 pm
by rosebery
I think that he means the one on the bath possibly!

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 12:11 pm
by jrees
thats correct - its the overflow hole on the bath.

I will give the drainage test another go (although had not notice any drainage conerns. re the shower thought have to admit I dont know how the water diverts. i know their is a pump for it it what was the airing cupboard (until i had a new boiler).


Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 6:07 pm
by jrees
I think I have the answer, thanks to the handyman at work. He sayes its water overflowing from the toilet cisten, which makes sense as water seems to be constantly moving in there.

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 9:34 pm
by rosebery
"He sayes its water overflowing from the toilet cisten"

Into the BATH!!!???!!!