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Siting a new soil pipe

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 12:12 am
by subtlebrick
Hi all! Just stumbled across this site, hope someone can help.
I am fitting a new bathroom in my terraced property ( Built approx. 1908 ). The bathroom is upstairs above the kitchen at the rear of the property and currently has no toilet. I have several questions about this project but will stick to just one for this first post, as if the answer is no, we may just have to continue trotting downstairs to use the loo. :wink:

Is the surface water drain in the yard of the property likely to be connected to the sewers, as the kitchen sink / bath etc all drain into it.
If yes would I simply be able to replace the existing drain trap with a 'T' joint, to run a soil pipe straight up to the bathroom and a side shoot (through a 'U' bend ) to a new surface water drain alongside it?

Hope that makes sense! :)

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:04 pm
by Perry525
A property of that age, built in a town, will be connected to the main sewer and the sewer will take water off the roof and waste water.
Take a look at your water bill, it will show what you are paying for.