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Osprey II 4500 Manual Power Shower in White

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 1:31 pm
by Arron_tradeplumbing
I have a customer who has one of these,

Osprey II 4500 Manual Power Shower in White

her bathroom is fully tiled and she needs to replace it. Grundfos Watermill don't make these any more and i'm trying to find out something similar that will allow her to replace it without having to do anything to her existing tiles.

I believe this may have a left hand inlet. can anyone recommend a suitable replacement?


Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 10:19 pm
by plumbbob
Have a look at the Mira Event. You can download the installation manual from the Mirashowers website.

The internal pipework is on the same side (left), but is designed like all showers to be fed from up or down not horizontally. Whether you can alter the existing to suit?