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Bathroom Sink Slow/Doesnt Drain - Shower Door Castors

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 5:13 pm
by rugrat
Hi Our bathroom sink quickly fills into the basin and takes ages to drain away. I have taken apart tubes under sink, checked them and replaced but no joy. When it is blocked, i have used a plunger (whilst blocking the overflow hole on front of basin) and water leaks out the back of the basin against the wall. When the trap is disconnected water will drain away when pored directly down waste pipe. We also experience bad smell from bath from time to time, although this is rarely used.

Also, can you 3/4 inch rounded wheels for shower cubicle doors from anywhere? :?


Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:13 pm
by stoneyboy
You will need to remove the trap and clean it out and also clean out the waste which is fitted in the sink.