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Mould on wall in bathroom

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 11:21 am
by tomreid


I live in a rented house and the shower in the bathroom is pretty badly designed.

The tiles only cover the first foot or so above the bath, so it's an uncovered plastered, painted wall that's above them.

Hopefully the URL above works and you can see what's happening. Mould is beginning to appear in spots above the tiles on the wall.

I'm hoping to leave this place soon, so not looking for a long term fix.

Are there any good techniques or products out there to get rid of this mould off the wall without damaging the paintwork too much?



Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 11:32 pm
by stoneyboy
Neat bleach.

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 11:10 pm
by nailedit!
Neat bleach will do the trick, but only temporarily - the mould is a fungal growth and will come back. You need a fungicidal treatment to get rid of it for good.
Mangers make a spray (about £4), but it's REALLY bad to breathe in, so I wore a mask and painted it on rather than spraying, and would advise at least two treatments.
Hope this is helpful.