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Drain pipe layout? (PIC ADDED)

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 4:47 pm
by joe4542
Hi all,
Just looking for your opinions on the best way to run a new kitchen drain pipe I'm installing. I've done a quick sketch below showing the layout of the pipe exit from the wall, the Drain hopper it'll feed into (am in first floor flat), and the three poss pipe runs. I've also noted the distance between points.

Is it best to:
A - Run pipe along then down
B - Diagonally straight run(altho I think this would prob be too steep)
C - Down then across, then dropping into hopper.
:?: :?:

Just above the hopper is a course of sticky outy tiles, since lower half of building just brick, upper half rendered over, so there would be a slight 'step' out of about 2" where pipe reaches hopper, so couple of 45 deg bends called for.

Any thoughts on best layout :?:

Cheers for all suggestions :D


Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 8:51 am
by htg engineer
Doesn't really matter, as long as the water flows away.

For aesthetic purposes I'd choose B

I think option B looks better than the others. And thats how I always run waste pipes to hopper heads.