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Rodding eye from sewer lpipe

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 8:44 pm
by Cap1962
I am planning to build a 4 mt x 4mt extension to back of house but have a rodding eye which will be in the middle of extension when built, can the rodding eye stay inside?, it is a junction from the soil stack, there is a a manhole in the garden which will be 3mt away from extension serving the same pipe can the rodding eye be capped off? Any replies and help would be appreciated

Re: Rodding eye from sewer lpipe

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 11:40 am
by thedoctor
Rodding eyes should be provided where there is a section of pipe which cannot be accessed by rodding from any other point in either the main line or any branch lines. The rodding eye can stay inside as they are sealed at manufacture but it's not ideal and if the section of pipe can be rodded from any new access chamber or new external eye, this would be better. Hope it helps. Please do let us know how you get on as its always good to follow the progress of our visitors projects, Images are always welcome as well.