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Low pressure on specific times on Triton T200re

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 1:58 pm
by shinares

I have triton t200re and from time to time like 9am or 10pm, the shower is often low pressure. Is there any suggestion on why this is happening ?

Last night the shower is finally broken (only cold water comes out eventhough the low pressure light was off) and im looking at the replacement. Now Im facing two options : buying another electric shower with the risk that the old problem (low pressure from time to time) or getting a power shower or maybe there is such thing as 'pumped' electric shower ? Any suggestion please ? Thank you.

Re: Low pressure on specific times on Triton T200re

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 4:55 pm
by proptech
I would question as to why is the water pressure low. Could it be that you have a shared supply, it mat be worth asking the water authority to investigate the problem before spending out on anew shower.
Do you have stored water supplying the bathroom from a tank, it could be that you may find a conventional shower would be adequate when compared to an electric shower.