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Shower Valve Problem - replaced shower and new valve sticks out too far

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 6:53 pm
by craigangi
I have just replaced our shower valve, but have a problem. The new valve sticks out too far so have about a 20mm gap to fill between the valve and the tiles. Can anyone suggest the best way to get around this problem.

Re: Shower Valve Problem - replaced shower and new valve sticks out too far

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 1:09 pm
by proptech

This is obviously not a 'like for like' replacement. So, I have to ask why is there a problem, Have you not followed the manufacturers instructions, or is it a case of trying to avoid pipework alterations ?
I can only suggest you take whatever action is required to make it fit correctly, or there will always be a problem.

Re: Shower Valve Problem - replaced shower and new valve sticks out too far

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 4:20 pm
by craigangi
Hi Thanks for your reply.
The valve before is about 15yrs old so yes it is totally different. I am trying to avoid pipe work changes.
Thanks for reply but i think i got it sorted.