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Very Low Shower Preasure With Combi Boiler and Triton Jade 3 Electric Shower

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 10:47 pm
by baseage
Hi All

I am looking to do my bathroom and would like some advice on what i should do with the preasure (rate of water that comes out) of my shower.

Currently we have a combi bolier with an triton Jade 3 Electric Shower. The preasure out of this is very very poor. So what i was thinking of was to get a power shower however u need a tank for this which we dont have.

So i have the following questions:

1 - Ideally, to get the max preasure from a shower, what set up do you need? for example a combi bolier with electric shower or a tank with a power shower or something else?

2 - Is there much difference in the preasure between an electric or power shower?

Thanks for your help


Re: Very Low Shower Preasure With Combi Boiler and Triton Jade 3 Electric Shower

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 12:11 pm
by proptech
Hi Michael
Please don't confuse pressure with flow rate !
An electric shower will have a fairly low flow rate, so not ideal, especially as you have a combi that could do a lot better.
I would have thought the best result would be to run the shower from the combi, and do away with the Triton.