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Shower Room Door Slipped - Clip Broken and Shop says Replace Door!

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 7:52 pm
by banzy
My shower room door has slipped out of place due to a broken clip. I took the clip to a DIY shop and was told they had nothing to replace it with and I'd need a new door.
The door is quite large, and expensive, but bought several years ago and I've no idea from where (it was installed by professionals). There's nothing wrong with the glass, just the clip - it seems ludicrous to suggest I might need an entire replacement for the sake of one clip.
I've included a photograph and would be eternally grateful for anyone who can offer a solution?


Re: Shower Room Door Slipped - Clip Broken and Shop says Replace Door!

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 12:56 pm
by plumbbob
Unfortunately, the advice you have been given is most likely correct. There are hundreds, probably thousands of different designs of cubicle out there, and designs come and go just as distributors do.

To expect anyone to identify a spare part simply from the part itself is impossible. If you could identify the make and model of door, it may be just possible the main distributor will carry spares, but if the door is more than a few years old, spares may no longer be stocked anyway.