How Best to Clean up Leaking Waste That's Been Dripping for 6 Months Successfully!
Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 12:44 pm
Hi there,
A rather grim post I'm afraid, but I've just discovered that an upstairs waste pipe has been dripping waste/water underneath the bath for at least 6 months, probably 9 - we had been told the horrendous smell was an issue with the drains. Sadly not! We now realise that poopy water has been soaking down into the concrete floor and has even reached the kitchen below in the corner of the ceiling which is wood. Ugh. Apart from trying to cover the area with bleach, letting it sink in and then drying it up, is there anything else I can do to ensure this is sorted as best and as cleanly as possible? Does anyone know how long human waste remains disgusting for before it becomes more 'innate' if you like?!
An advice greatly received. Many thanks,
A rather grim post I'm afraid, but I've just discovered that an upstairs waste pipe has been dripping waste/water underneath the bath for at least 6 months, probably 9 - we had been told the horrendous smell was an issue with the drains. Sadly not! We now realise that poopy water has been soaking down into the concrete floor and has even reached the kitchen below in the corner of the ceiling which is wood. Ugh. Apart from trying to cover the area with bleach, letting it sink in and then drying it up, is there anything else I can do to ensure this is sorted as best and as cleanly as possible? Does anyone know how long human waste remains disgusting for before it becomes more 'innate' if you like?!
An advice greatly received. Many thanks,