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Re Sealing Bath as it's Peeling Away and Allowing Water to Leak Down the Side

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 2:12 pm
by mikeozz0420
Hi All,
Looking for some help please.
The silicone sealant around my bath has started top peal away and water is leaking down the side and through the bathroom floor.
The wall was tiled below the bath first and then bath was fitted which i now gather isn`t the best way to fit a bath.

I have removed all the old sealant in prearation to apply new.
I don't want to just simply re-seal the gap between batch and wall as i guess this issue of sealant failing will only happen again.
I`ve also noticed that the bath doesn`t have any supporting battens.

This is my plan to correct the problem, is the right way to try and repair?

1.Remove all old sealant and clean tiles/bath.
2.Fill bath with water
3.Fill gaps between wall and bath, just below the top of bath, with expanding foam. (to help secure the bath and offer additional water seal and base for silicone/pvc quadrant)
4.Fit battens where possible underneath the bath, space limitations will mean one batten at top end of bath secured with no nails.
5.Fit pvc quadrant on top of bath/expanding foam and seal with silicone.

I think the expanding foam might be a good idea, anybody agree?
Should i fit batten when bath is full of water or before i fill it?

I`m defianltely a novice DIYer so any help would be much appreciated.
