Waterproofing Bathroom Corner From Shower
Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 1:04 pm
The image below shows a plan view of a bathroom with the location of a bath.
The green circles are the locations of an overhead ceiling shower (centre of bath) and a wall-mounted shower.
The lower left corner is an open alcove from floor to ceiling.
There is obviously potential for water to go into this area, so what possible remedies could be used to prevent this?
Obviously the entire alcove could be blocked off, but I'd rather this wasn't done unless there's no alternative. That is, as the bathroom is 1.4m x 1.7m only.
Perhaps (marine?) plywood could be cut to shape to fit in the alcove from the bath lip to maybe a height of 30cm above the bath. Then some combination of tanking liquid product applied or a cement board applied, or waterproof matting, then tiling. What do you think - thanks!
The green circles are the locations of an overhead ceiling shower (centre of bath) and a wall-mounted shower.
The lower left corner is an open alcove from floor to ceiling.
There is obviously potential for water to go into this area, so what possible remedies could be used to prevent this?
Obviously the entire alcove could be blocked off, but I'd rather this wasn't done unless there's no alternative. That is, as the bathroom is 1.4m x 1.7m only.
Perhaps (marine?) plywood could be cut to shape to fit in the alcove from the bath lip to maybe a height of 30cm above the bath. Then some combination of tanking liquid product applied or a cement board applied, or waterproof matting, then tiling. What do you think - thanks!