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Shower Help Needed After Leak Between Tiles and Tub

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 7:16 am
by fishonhook
Had a leaky shower Tile to Vinyl tub) and took it apart (except the basin) and think I found the source, some grout came off the last tile. Removed the rotten wood around and sealed the gout and tile and ready to caulk it and put it back together.
This is my shower
I would be very grateful for some advice. Do I need to put 'weep holes' to allow any water that gets through the grout a way out?

This fellow says yes
Location of Weep Holes in Tile Installations

My tiler buddy says no.

Lastly the corner of the basin is not well designed . There is no grade to allow the water to run down . I checked with my level and it is dead flat so water sits there a bit and evaporates

Is there any way to fix that?

trying to do it right so I dont have to repeat it, so any advice apprecaited. Will try to attach the pcitures.