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How to Unscrew Sink Drain?

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 2:46 pm
by marcosscriven
Sink drain is full of detritus.

Managed to unscrew u-bend, but as I rotate underneath sink the whole drain cover rotates. There’s what looks like something for a very wide screwdriver to stop that (for which only a chisel is wide enough), but it won’t undo.

Any ideas please?

Re: How to Unscrew Sink Drain?

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 2:14 am
by KitchenGuy
That's not unusual for it to do that, even when installing them. Try putting two screwdrivers into the waste outlet sink side in different hole sections and hold the two screwdrivers as you unscrew the trap. This should lock the waste while you undo it.