Shower Started Runnning Lukewarm but now Running Cool
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Shower Started Runnning Lukewarm but now Running Cool

by Sambob » Thu Feb 07, 2019 8:48 am


I would really appreciate any advice anyone is able to give on this, before I call a plumber!

Our shower has started running began as lukewarm but it's getting colder and colder. I had thought it was to do with the colder weather, but it's getting worse even though the weather is improving.

I don't think it's the boiler as the bath, sink and kitchen taps are all coming up to temperature fine. Am I right in thinking this is an issue with the mixer inside the shower mechanism somewhere? I am imagining this is going to be a difficult one to fix, and we'll probably need to replace the shower/re-tile etc? Any idea what sort of price a plumber should charge for this?

Struggling to upload a picture, but the shower in the link below is similar, although we just have one 'tap' so no temperature control.

Thanks very much for any help you can give, I'm fairly clueless about this kind of thing!

It is currently Thu Dec 05, 2024 2:16 am