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Mystery Bathroom Pipe and Boxing in Pipes From hot Water Tank

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 8:36 pm
by Special_K
Hi all, I'm new here and I was wondering if you could help out a newbie?

I’m in the middle of decorating my bathroom which has needed some TLC since I moved into my flat a few years go. I’ve decided I would like to box in my pipes that lead from my electric hot water tank to my sink and electric shower, as they are old and the previous owners painted them (not very well) and now they’re looking pretty manky!

I’ve spent sometime looking at the pipes since I’ve painted behind them and I’ve noticed that I have a open/uncapped vertical pipe that’s connected to one of the horizontal pipes. This particular pipe runs from my hot water tank (one of two pipes that do this) into a covered panel which encases my shower pipes (and guesing) the waste pipes from the flat above me. It doesn’t intersect with my toilet or hand basin.

The opening to this pipe is pretty dusty and manky and I was wondering if any of you might know if this is some sort of air vent or something which I can easily replace with something a little newer and nicer looking?

Photo: ... 73pMw1qizg

Thanks in advance.