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Sewage Smell in En-Suite After Bleaching

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 12:23 pm
by ailishmccreanor
A few days ago I cleaned my shower drain with bleach as it was starting to get blocked with hair. Ever since, there has been a nasty smell of sewage in the bathroom. Whenever I flush the toilet there is a gargling sound coming from the shower drain and the smell seems to get worse. This has never been a problem before until now since I cleaned it with the bleach. Is there any way for me to fix this myself or will I have to call out a plumber?

Re: Sewage Smell in En-Suite After Bleaching

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 10:09 pm
by stoneyboy
Putting bleach down the shower should not have caused the problem you describe. The fact that you get bubbling in the shower when you flush the loo indicates that you have a blockage in the system.
You could try a drain unblocked but I suspect you need professional help.
Regards S.