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Wrong connecter for shower hose and need to find a new one

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 8:27 pm
by Adw1973
Hi all. Apologies for the basic question (and probably wrong terminology). I’ve moved into a new house and had to replace the shower hose in the main bathroom because it was leaking badly. I attach a photo of the en-suite set up which is the same. Unfortunately the hose didn’t detach from the main shower fitting because it has fused with the threaded connecter which detached instead (see attached photo). I bought a new standard 1/2” threaded connecter (male x male) but it doesn’t connect cleanly and I’ve realised that the old one (which I can’t detach from the hose) has thinner thread on the side that connects to the main shower fitting. I can’t find a similar connecter to purchase online, but I don’t know what I should be looking for. Can anyone give me some ideas about where I could find the connecter I need. It may be simply knowing the right terminology. Thanks

Re: Wrong connecter for shower hose and need to find a new one

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 9:52 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi adw1973,
Your chances of buying such a fitting are remote so you need to detach the adaptor from the hose nut. Find a friend with a decent vice.
Regards S