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Problems securing sink clips at front and back

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 3:12 pm
by JohnFarnall
The kitchen sink was fitted into the worktop first and then placed on top of the units. Because of this I cannot get a fixing on the front or back of the new sink with clips. Is it enough to clip down on the sides only.

See photo to see the obstruction caused by base units. I would prefer not to have to start cutting into the base units if they can be helped. Maybe a side strap would work, screwed into the base unit.

Any suggestions.

Re: Problems securing sink clips at front and back

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 10:53 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi johnfarnall
Better to fix as per instructions, use a hole saw to give you circular clearance/access points.
Regards S