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Smelly saniflow in loft conversion

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 10:54 am
by fflamingo
Hello - hoping someone can help. We had a saniflow system installed in our loft conversion ensuite which was built 2 years ago. For the past 6 months or so, shortly after flushing the loft toilet, there is a TERRIBLE smell coming from the sink plughole of the first floor, main family bathroom. The smell is not in the loft, coming from the loft ensuite, the saniflow. The smell comes from the ubend of the main family bathroom sink and permeates the whole house. I've read that this is because air is being pushed up the ubend of the sink... any ideas on what to do about the smell? It's horrific! Thanks in advance.

Re: Smelly saniflow in loft conversion

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2020 12:10 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi fflamingo
You probably have a blockage or unsupported waste pipe which has sagged.
If you cannot trace this suggest you fit one of the HepVo traps which will not allow backflow.
Regards S