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Can I service this AAV? Floplast?

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2020 12:01 pm
by aforjeh
Hi All

So for a year or so now we've had drain smells in our bathroom, and in our downstairs loo (directly below) which is where the soil stack routes - i.e. comes in through the floor, routes up to the bathroom, and there is an AAV boxed in in our bedroom next to the bathroom. Ideal!

Initially it seemed that if we cleared out the Mrs' hair from the low-profile shower waste, it cleared it up, but it's got worse over time.

I've found our AAV, which is internal in the bedroom as mentioned above - there's no external vent. The AAV is maybe 80cm off the ground, so above all the wastes/traps.

I saw the FloPlast video on servicing AAVs, so thought I'd do that as a first step. However, the top doesn't seem to twist off this particular one... or I'm not trying hard enough. Before I tried harder, can anyone advise if this model is serviceable? I.e. does the top twist off?

.. or is there a way to verify it's working, or should I just whack a new one on?


Re: Can I service this AAV? Floplast?

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2020 10:31 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi aforjeh
It's not worth trying to service the valve - fit a new one.
Regards S