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Bellied pipes on new build

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2020 5:36 pm
by meanttobeworking
After having drain problems, we got Dyno-Rod to do a survey on our drains. They found four of the seven pipes have bellied, with water and waste sitting in them.

We have complained to the developers who are looking into it, but already using phrases like "it's relatively common".

How much of an issue is it? I've threatened to open an NHBC dispute resolution but I don't know how hard to push.

Many thanks for any advice.

Re: Bellied pipes on new build

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2020 10:54 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi meanttobeworking
If the soil pipes are below ground they should be surrounded by pea shingle to prevent sinkage. If they are above a surface, like on the oversite they should be supported at the manufacturers specified intervals. The bowing of the pipes is not going to improve with time, let the developer investigate and if they try and BS you, start kicking. NHBC will not be interested if the development is under 3 years old so you may have to approach whoever did the building control approval.
Regards S

Re: Bellied pipes on new build

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2020 11:00 pm
by meanttobeworking
Thanks for the advice!