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Low shower pressure but fine sink pressure

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 7:33 pm
by Crummiebunt

I’m a bit baffled and a complete plumbing novice.

Basically my sink pressure is fine, no issues with the water.

My shower is a different matter though, it’s around 1.5 metres from the sink. When I turn the shower tap on, it runs for about 30 seconds and then dies off. I then have to turn the tap that regulates the temperature of the water in order for the water to begin running again, which then leads to it being very hot, upto 50 degrees which is just too much. If I turn the tap to change the heat down, it stop the water completely.

Any ideas on what to do?

Re: Low shower pressure but fine sink pressure

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 8:42 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi crummiebunt
You don't really supply enough information but it sounds like the thermostatic coil in your shower valve has siezed. Replacing the valve will probably be you best option.
Regards S

Re: Low shower pressure but fine sink pressure

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2020 12:55 pm
by Crummiebunt
Heya mate

What other info do you need?

I attached a pic, the tap on the left I turn it on and water comes out. I removed the show hose and it’s the same. Just comes out for about 30 seconds then stops. In order to turn it back on I have to turn the right tap and it will the only work once I’ve turned it completely but the issue being it’s 50 degrees. Which is too hot lol