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Bathroom and Stub Stack Vent Issues After Moving

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 12:54 pm
by mckaymmc1
As part of a patio build we had the Kitchen and WHB waste connections move to a SVP by a plumber and since we have a few issues.
1st Issue is the lack of pipework supports. I have fitted two myself at low level and will repeat at high level when I get access to a some decent steps. See Photo 1.

2nd Issue is the flow from the wastes has reduced from when they were discharging into an open hopper. I have tried to rectify by adding a Antivac bottler trap to one WHB but due to a mis match of compression fittings to the other WHB I am struggling to fit a anti vac bottle trap. Would fitting an alternative trap work or is the problem elsewhere? I can strip out the mis match and replace with solvent weld connections but would like some advice as to if this would solve the problem

3rd issue is that in the last few days the flow from the bath has reduced. I cant find a reason for this except for the waste connection to the garage stub stack, photo 3, may need an AAV added. The only change has been the neighbours extension has removed a Vent from their drains, photo 2 but there is an unsealed inspection manhole where my drains connect to the sewer so air isnt being trapped in the sewer. Would fitting a P trap with anti-vac help or am I overlooking something obvious.?

Mark up of the drainage attached to help explain it - Sorry drafting skills are limited..

Thanks all

Re: Bathroom and Stub Stack Vent Issues After Moving

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 11:31 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi mckaymmc1
You appear to have 3 vertical stacks but you diagram only shows 2. Are you sure the garage stack is connected? If yes you need to check the bath connection into the stack.
Regards S

Re: Bathroom and Stub Stack Vent Issues After Moving

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 10:29 pm
by mckaymmc1
Sorry the 1st pic is the neighbours stack. The post doesnt make this clear when uploading .

Re: Bathroom and Stub Stack Vent Issues After Moving

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 10:33 pm
by mckaymmc1
Will disconnect and clean the bath,garage connection. Cheers