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Cold water header tank in workshop

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2021 2:51 pm
by wadeydiyer
I have a workshop that was built over 30 years ago with original washbasin/pedestal and close coupled (plastic cistern ) toilet. Only cold water as hot water is fed by a small electric water heater.
Rising main comes into property and goes to one cold tap then continues to a header tank above the cloakroom which then feed a cold tap in the same sink and the toilet cold water feed.....
Looking to replace with the infamous 'Sink in a box' and 'Toilet in a box' from the good ol' boys at City Plumbing. Can I do away with the header tank/ballcock system and, more importantly, why was it there!!

Re: Cold water header tank in workshop

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2021 10:04 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi wadeydiyer,
Best suggestion is that when built the water supply was not reliable so a tank was added so there was always water available. If you have consistent pressure and flow you can take the tank fed part out of your system.
Regards S