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Kitchen hot water hose bursts at the connector

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 1:38 pm
by greglu
Dear Sirs

I had a kitchen hot water hose which bursts this morning.

This is a new connection for a new kitchen tap only a couple of months. The plumber installed a white connector (similar to the one remaining on the top) to the isolation valve but it bursts to somewhere (probably behind the cabinet) this morning. What I am not entirely sure is whether this connection was correct? It seems to lead a very rigid connection (via the white coupler) which connects the water pipe with the flexible hose above. This is not in my area but I just feel something was not quite right. If not, what kind of connection is expected if I called a plumber for help?

Is this something that I can fix it by myself (e.g. to purchase a half connector if this is right approach)? What spares and tools that I may need? Thank you very much!

Re: Kitchen hot water hose bursts at the connector

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2021 10:45 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi Greglu,
If looks like the copper pipe has come out of the isolating valve (IV). What is worrying is that it appears too short - if you can get the pipe to fit in the isolating valve without it being under tension you will need an adjustable spanner and grips to hold the IV while you remove the top nut. Fit the nut and olive back on the pipe end (the olive needs to be completely on the pipe) and tighten.
Regards S