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Shower water supply in way of shower screen

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2021 1:15 pm
by ChrissynCraig
As you can see in the picture, the cold water pipe passes where a shower screen would secure. I haven’t bought anything yet but wondered if a glass screen exists that has a frame I could ‘notch’ for this pipe.

I’m not keen to have pipes going over the top of the screen and back down the other side or routing it down from the loft. I briefly thought of drilling a 15mm hole through part of the bath but changed my mind.

Thanks for any help or ideas

Re: Shower water supply in way of shower screen

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 10:29 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi chrissyncraig.
Possibly two options - fit a bar with a cut out for the pipe up the wall and mount the screen on that. You could use either a well painted piece of wood (about 50x50mm) or a similar section aluminium box section.
The alternative is to fit a hinged screen (because they generally have a mounting channel) cut a slot in the channel and fit the screen on the outer edge of the channel so it clears your pipe. Look for a screen that has a lot of tolerance for out of vertical walls because they will have a deeper channel section.
Regards S