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Broke Shower Head Casing and Cracked Bathroom Window

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 5:20 pm
by Louisarajaretnam
Hi Everyone,
I've accidentally broke the metallic shower head casing from the shower head. It is exposing the plastic tube where the hot water runs through. Does anyone know how to fix it or do I have to replace it? I was thinking about sticking the two metal parts together with tape???

I also have a cracked glass bathroom window that I wanted to repair. I was thinking about if there are any chemicals I can buy that seal up the crack ? I've attached another picture.

Re: Broke Shower Head Casing and Cracked Bathroom Window

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 11:22 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi louisarajeretnam,
Not worth messing with the shower hose just buy a new one. Try sealing the crack with superglue but this will only be a temporary measure.
Regards S