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Replacing a 20 year old exposed shower valve

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 9:37 pm
by stevejd58
I have a leaking shower that drips constantly. (image attached)
I can't seem to find the manufacturer as the names on the tap are common to many brands and Google was of little help
I'm told it is an exposed sequential shower of some 20 years + in age and in all probability from a long dead product line/company.

My question is concerns replacement, Are the pipe tails/connections set at a universal spacing or are they specific to the brand of mixer valve?

Knowing this I can begin shopping for a replacement

Re: Replacing a 20 year old exposed shower valve

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2022 9:07 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi stevejd58,
Suggest you go for a bar type valve, the centres are generally about 150mm. Pick a valve with adjustable centres and you be 140-160mm, if you use adaptor offsets this could be 130-170. If your centres are within this range start searching.
Regards S